Roseville Area New Home Construction Projects

14,132 Units (Watt & South of Baseline )

Other planned development in the vicinity includes the approved Placer Vineyards Specific Plan Area. This 5,230-acre Plan Area is located south of Baseline Road and extends from Walerga Road on the east to the Sutter/Placer County line on the west. The Placer Vineyards Specific Plan plans for 14,132 dwelling units and 300 acres of nonresidential uses -  274 acres of commercial uses, 919 acres of park and open space land, and 851 acres of quasi-public uses.

8679 Units (Watt &  North of Baseline)

The Sierra Vista Specific Plan includes 2,064 acres west of Fiddyment Road, north of Baseline Road. The Plan area was annexed into the City of Roseville from unincorporated Placer County.

The Specific Plan includes 8,679 single and multi-family units, including approximately 259 acres of Commercial, 106 acres of Park, 304 acres of Open Space, 56 acres of Schools and 40 acres of Urban Reserve. At build-out, the Plan area is expected to accommodate approximately 20,045 residents and provide 9,000 jobs.

8400 UNITS

The West Roseville Specific Plan was adopted in 2004, and provides for a 3,162 acre mixed-use community incorporating over 8,400 residential units.

8679 UNITS

The Sierra Vista Specific Plan was adopted in 2010 and revised for the Westbrook amendments in 2012. It provides for development of a 2,064-acre mixed-use community with 8,679 residential units..

2011 UNITS

The Creekview Specific Plan was adopted in 2012 and provides for development of a 501-acre mixeduse community with 2,011 residential units.